
People Management Services Expertise Area

We engage your people in your transformation journey to ensure lasting performance through an inclusive and pragmatic approach.

Everyone agrees: the world is ever more complex. And transformation projects add another layer of complexity. There is only so much change people can take before it affects performance. Our team provides a tailor-made approach based on collective intelligence and collaboration.

Involving your people in the design of your company’s projects from the outset boosts their engagement, drive and unleashes their individual and collective potential. As a company, you will benefit from greater retention, workforce agility, and stronger reactivity to build better performance.

First cause of M&A failures is cultural incompatibility
Second driver of deal success is talent retention
undervalue culture in deals
of employees consider changing jobs
decrease in attrition rate if you have a clear mission

What sets us apart

We firmly believe in our integrated deal and transformation offering, combining financial, operational, cultural and organizational aspects. Each element is essential to make your project a success.

Meet our People Management Services Team


Eric Demuyt


Managing Director

Nicolas Cohen-Solal


Strategy & Operations

People Management Services - Case Studies

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