In the context of the raise of financing, we interact between the lenders and you.
In the context of the raise of financing, we interact between the lenders and you.
Our team supports you in building robust and flexible financial models.
In the context of the raise of financing, we interact between the lenders and you.
In the context of the raise of financing, we interact between the lenders and you.
Our team assists you in the execution of your buy-side and sell-side transactions and refinancing through financial due diligence and independent reviews.
Our team supports you in submitting bids to public or private tenders.
In the context of the raise of financing, we interact between the lenders and you.
We assist you in the preparation of marketing documents (teaser) as to reach the whole financing market. We then prepare the Project Information Memorandum to be circulated to the selected lenders given the contemplated financing structure.
We then coordinate the entire competitive process: from the negotiation of key financing terms, through the due diligence phase, to the financial close.
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Our team assists you in the execution of your buy-side and sell-side transactions and refinancing through financial due diligence and independent reviews.
Our team supports you in submitting bids to public or private tenders.
In the context of the raise of financing, we interact between the lenders and you.
Our team supports you in building robust and flexible financial models.
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