Value Experts – Restructuring & Turnaround

Value Experts – Restructuring & Turnaround

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Since the end of 2021, higher raw material and energy prices along with automatic salary indexation and other inflationary pressures resulted in profitability issues within certain industries. Based on our experience, we see that taking control at an early stage maximises the recovery potential, mitigates cash constraints and can avoid potential restructuring scenarios. Nevertheless, this process becomes more difficult as interest rates rise and lenders increase their risk awareness.

We, at 8advisory, have delivered numerous successful turnarounds thanks to our unique approach which combines both our financial, commercial and operational expertise and involves a high level of seniority. During these turnarounds we closely work together with shareholders and management to assist them in difficult circumstances and identify strategic initiatives.

In this document we would like to introduce you to our hands-on approach and showcase how we can assist you with any of your future endeavours.

To read our whitepaper, click here


de Troyer


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Eight Advisory Brussels




Restructuring & Transaction Services

Eight Advisory Brussels

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