Eight Advisory advised Eurazeo Infrastructure Partners on its investment in TSE

Eight Advisory has advised Eurazeo Infrastructure Partners on its investment in TSE, which is an independent player in the French solar energy market and a leader in the agro-photovoltaic sector.

TSE announced on April 19 the closing of a €130 million fundraising with three major players in the financial and energy transformation sector: Eurazeo, which leads this round, Bpifrance and a pool of investors from the Crédit Agricole Group, represented by IDIA Capital Investissement and Amundi.

Eight Advisory advised Eurazeo Infrastructure Partners – one of the divisions of the French investment company Eurazeo – on this transaction. Focus on long-term infrastructure projects, Eurazeo Infrastructure Partners invests in sectors that enable the decarbonisation of the economy and mainly in the energy and digital transition.

This fundraising will support TSE’s ambitions to develop 10 GW of solar projects in France over the next 10 years. These investments will also facilitate its partnership strategy with key players in the agricultural sector.

“This transaction once again underlines the attractiveness of the sustainable energy sector for institutional and financial investors. Eight Advisory was pleased to support Eurazeo Infrastructure Partners in this positive investment,” said Sébastien Smercan, Transaction Services and Infrastructure Partner at Eight Advisory.

Eight Advisory’s involvement in this transaction

Financial Due diligence
● Sébastien Smercan, Partner – Transaction Services and Infrastructure
● Robin Blanc, Manager – Transaction Services

Tax Due diligence
● Guillaume Rembry, Partner – Tax
● Kévin Peau, Director – Tax Lawyer




Transaction Services and Infrastructure & Project Finance

Eight Advisory Paris





Eight Advisory Paris





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