Nick Breadner
Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me. Emmanuel Kant.

Alexis Karklins-Marchay, French-US citizen, Deputy Managing Partner at Eight Advisory.

Partner of the Financial Engineering Department, having specialised in financial valuation for 25 years, he advises multinational corporations, mid-size companies and family offices in their transactions as well as in their tax and accounting projects. He has performed more than a thousand assignments in all types of contexts, with a strong reputation in brand valuation.

Before joining Eight Advisory (2013), he worked in financial departments of international groups and in audit & consulting firms. He was in particular the global valuation and business modeling leader in a Big 4.

In addition, he regularly participates in media programs in France and in Great Britain. Columnist in Les Echos and on Radio Classique, author of more than a hundred articles and three books on economics, finance and literature, he’s a visiting professor at ESCP Business School and at the University of North Carolina.

Areas of expertise

The core value of Eight Advisory that defines me the most


As the saying goes, perfection is never achieved, but excellence is achieved by striving for it. Excellence does not mean always being right.

It means accepting to try, to fail, to start over, to never been fully satisfied, to not disappoint, to remain honest, to always try to do a little more. It also means recognizing and learning from one’s mistakes, putting things into perspective, taking responsibility, and listening to others and to oneself.



Competitiveness: Is France ahead of the game?

4 Jan 2024

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Competitiveness, the new deal

7 Dec 2023

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Eight Competitiveness Report 2023

6 Dec 2023

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Litigation Support-Accounting and Financial Assessment of intellectual property damage-Ranking 2024-Décideurs Magazine-France

Dispute Resolution & Litigation

Litigation Support-Shareholder Litigation on listed companies and fairness opinion-Ranking 2024-Décideurs Magazine-France

Dispute Resolution & Litigation

Contentieux & Arbitrage - Shareholder litigation on listed companies and fairness opinion - Ranking 2023 - Décideurs Magazine - France

Dispute Resolution & Litigation

Private Equity – Financial valuation & merger audit – 2022 Ranking – Audit & accounting firm – France – Leaders League

Strategic Valuation & Modeling

Private equity – Management consulting – 2022 Ranking – Investment banking – France – Leaders League

Strategic Valuation & Modeling

Litigation support – Accounting and financial evaluation of intellectual property losses – 2022 Ranking – Accounting firm – France – Leaders League

Dispute Resolution & Litigation

Litigation support – Shareholder disputes on listed companies and fairness opinions – 2022 Ranking – Consulting firm – France – Leaders League

Dispute Resolution & Litigation
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