Eight Advisory supported TVM Capital Healthcare on the investment into neurocare Group AG

Eight Advisory supported TVM Capital Healthcare on the investment into neurocare Group AG

Eight Advisory carried out tax and financial due diligence for TVM Capital Healthcare on the investment in neurocare Group AG.

Eight Advisory advised TVM Capital Healthcare, a specialist healthcare private equity firm headquartered in Dubai and Singapore, with the investment into Munich-headquartered neurocare group AG, a leading innovator in personalized mental health care, providing solutions to empower clinicians to deliver best care to their patients.


TVM Capital Healthcare’s investment will enable neurocare Group AG to execute on its international growth plans, including expansion in the US and market entry into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as support the development of new hardware and software innovations.


Eight Advisory’s tax team consisted of Partner Dr. Matthias Hogh, Dominik Schmidt and Karoline Mielnik. The financial due diligence was conducted by Partner Murat Deniz, Foucault Pellegrin and Aurélien Neth. 





Eight Advisory Frankfurt




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Eight Advisory supported L'Occitane Group S.A. in the context of its takeover bid for L'Occitane International S.A.

25 Jul 2024

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