Support to the consortium Nou Vela in its investment in Port-La-Nouvelle

Eight Advisory acted as financial advisor to the economic operator Nou Vela in connection with its investment in the SEMOP which holds the concession contract for the commercial port of Port-La-Nouvelle.
The port of Port-La-Nouvelle, located in the Aude department, is a growing commercial port. In addition to its historical activity, based on the import and export of liquid and solid bulk, the port, through this major extension, wishes to become a reference in the offshore wind energy and green hydrogen sectors. The development project should also enable the port to increase its capacity to handle goods, solid and liquid bulk, both for import and export, notably by developing the transport of new generation fuels and biofuels.
A SEMOP (semi-public company with a single operation) has been set up to take charge of the planning, development, financing and operation of the commercial port of Port-La-Nouvelle through a 40-year concession contract. This SEMOP has as shareholders the Occitanie Region (34%), the Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts group) (15%) and Nou Vela, as economic operator.
Nou Vela itself is made up of the Belgian groups DEME Concessions, Euroports Group BV and PMV (via its EPICo fund), Qair and the Aude Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Eight Advisory’s team assisted Nou Vela in defining the financial structure of the project, finding the short- and long-term financing required for its completion, and closing the deal.
The Eight Advisory team was composed of Lionnel Gérard and Erwann Huon de Kermadec.